Trusted Dental is open for all dental procedures including routine checkup and clean.

In view of recent significant success in controlling COVID-19 virus outbreak we are happy to say that the Dental Board of Australia has removed all restrictions on dental practices.

This means that we will be able to perform all routine and elective dental procedures.

These procedures include:

  • Toothache relief
  • Examinations, x-rays and clean (including ultra-sonic scaler cleanings)
  • Application of fluoride or other topical agents
  • Most filling and restorative procedures
  • Root Canal Treatments
  • Cosmetic Veneers
  • Whitening
  • Extractions
  • Jaw problems
  • Denture Procedures/ Mouthguards/ Night Guards

At Trusted Dental, we are always ensuring hygienic, safe and quality treatment for our patients. This means we will still be incorporating these extra measures:

  • We are continuing to go above and beyond our strict hygiene standards to ensure our patients are all well cared for and to continue to provide the best quality dental treatment.
  • When you have made an appointment with us to ensure the health and safety of our patients and staff we will still be doing our on phone health check prior to your visit.
  • We understand that self-isolation is important so if you wish to contact us feel free to phone or use our new chat feature on our website. Also, if you have a dental concern and do not want to come in to the practice you can send an email to us and attach any photos of the area or x-rays you may have so our dentist can review and reply to your query.

Our aim is to continue to look after you during this challenging time and beyond. In the meantime, take care and stay positive.

 We would like to congratulate Australians for staying home and keeping up good hygiene.  We know isolation isn’t easy but it has certainly paid off as the cases of COVID-19 has reduced dramatically. Keep up the good work and hopefully this virus will be eradicated sooner rather than later.